Thursday, April 13

april 12th

a poem about the right few words

this week
i are been mostly unapprec-
undermined misunderstood
(which is never a good
tasting pill to swallow)
and beginning to wallow
in my own selfdisbelief
a former awkward leitmotif

a few right words of encouragement
you'll never know just how much they meant
(unless of course you read this writing
which, lets face it, is unlikely)
but thank you anyway

april 11th

a poem about pride

i cant take any credit
for what they did - it
isnt like whats between us
is more than tenuous
theyre barely significantly
my responsibility
but ive got more pride than the lion
king in them for trying

april 10th

a poem about breakfast

i never eat breakfast
well thats not really true
but typically breakfast
involves food before you
are awake enough for breakfast
and cant bear the thought of food
but when someone makes you breakfast
not to eat it would be rude