Wednesday, August 2

august 1st

a haiku about a very british idiosyncracy

a grown man coats his
spaghetti carbonara
with ketchup - i cry

july 31st

a poem about a nap

i miss the mental dreams i had while sleeping in the daytime
so with three days hard work out of the way i'm
laying down to die a little
whatever i should do instead it'll
i lie prostrate
and dream of being incognate

july 30th

a poem about a harvester hangover

eat all the salad you want, they said
take a bowl help yourself from the cart
i needed my moneys worth, though someone else paid,
so i ate one salad just as a starter
one as a side salad and one more for luck
and with casual disregard for my heart
each one was smothered with dressing and muck
i felt like the king at the time but alas
this morning i feel like im ready to chuck
bloatedly floating on warm jets of gas
as my salad condenses to one fecal mass

july 29th

a poem about moving

as everything i own is crammed
into a rented transit van
and a couple of cars and a few people's hands
struggling silently to summon the trust
that people will protect my possessions they bus
with requisite care from a crash or a crush
worrying if i wrote fraggle not fragile
when packing in haste or illegible tag while
differentiating "to box" or "to bag" - i'll
cut to the chase i have blown to much capital
on consumer durables to risk a mishap at all