Wednesday, April 19

april 18th

a poem about brevity

someone said things i blog are far too short
but im snatching creativity in a life thats often hectic
and i dont see a problem with brevity of thought
its not like i set out to write an epic
about subject matter so ephemeral
it gives me a chance to try to be eclectic
though hardly what youd call experimental
(and writing about writings kinda passe)
though any entertainments coincidental
its my selfenforced labour day by day
remember that "true" art has to be bought
noone made you come here and you dont pay

april 17th

a poem about bad drivers on major roads

trundling down the middle lane at 65
you think your being safe but if you want to stay alive
you should stop encouraging undertakers
of both kinds

april 16th

a poem about walking

once i stop thinking
about the tedium of the trudge
my legs just sort of keep going
a repeated simple duple ryhthm
my own internal slavemasters drum
my mind left free
wandering and wondering
never a good idea
cant think about walking
for fear of failing
the ephemera of the journy my solace
constantly reestimating
the percentage of my distance i have completed
in terms of distance
in term s of time
in terms of difficulty
constantly revising my eta
how much should i adjust for the steepness of this hill
lost in an abstract mathmatical world
my own sick ocd zen